///////源代码开始 const cBase64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
function Base64Encode(mSource: string; mAddLine: Boolean = True): string; var I, J: Integer; S: string; begin Result := ''; J := 0; for I := 0 to Length(mSource) div 3 - 1 do begin S := Copy(mSource, I * 3 + 1, 3); Result := Result + cBase64[Ord(S[1]) shr 2 + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[((Ord(S[1]) and $03) shl 4) + (Ord(S[2]) shr 4) + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[((Ord(S[2]) and $0F) shl 2) + (Ord(S[3]) shr 6) + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[Ord(S[3]) and $3F + 1]; if mAddLine then begin Inc(J, 4); if J >= 76 then begin Result := Result + #13#10; J := 0; end; end; end; I := Length(mSource) div 3; S := Copy(mSource, I * 3 + 1, 3); case Length(S) of 1: begin Result := Result + cBase64[Ord(S[1]) shr 2 + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[(Ord(S[1]) and $03) shl 4 + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[65]; Result := Result + cBase64[65]; end; 2: begin Result := Result + cBase64[Ord(S[1]) shr 2 + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[((Ord(S[1]) and $03) shl 4) + (Ord(S[2]) shr 4) + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[(Ord(S[2]) and $0F) shl 2 + 1]; Result := Result + cBase64[65]; end; end; end; { Base64Encode }
function Base64Decode(mCode: string): string; var I, L: Integer; S: string; begin Result := ''; L := Length(mCode); I := 1; while I <= L do begin if Pos(mCode[I], cBase64) > 0 then begin S := Copy(mCode, I, 4); if (Length(S) = 4) then begin Result := Result + Chr((Pos(S[1], cBase64) - 1) shl 2 + (Pos(S[2], cBase64) - 1) shr 4); if S[3] <> cBase64[65] then begin Result := Result + Chr(((Pos(S[2], cBase64) - 1) and $0F) shl 4 + (Pos(S[3], cBase64) - 1) shr 2); if S[4] <> cBase64[65] then Result := Result + Chr(((Pos(S[3], cBase64) - 1) and $03) shl 6 + (Pos(S[4], cBase64) - 1)); end; end; Inc(I, 4); end else Inc(I); end; end; { Base64Decode } ///////源代码结束
///////使用示例开始 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo2.Text := Base64Encode(Memo1.Text); end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Text := Base64Decode(Memo2.Text); end; ///////使用示例结束