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declare @PageSize int --页面大小,如每页存储20条记录

    ,@PageIndex int --当前页码,从1开始

set @PageSize=200

set @PageIndex=3

declare @Indextable table(

    aid int identity(1,1)

    ,BillNo nvarchar(20)

) --定义表变量

declare @PageLowerBound int --定义此页的底码

declare @PageUpperBound int --定义此页的顶码

set @PageLowerBound=(@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize

set @PageUpperBound=@PageLowerBound+@PageSize

set rowcount @PageUpperBound

insert into @Indextable(BillNo)

    select BillNo from PD01_Product

        --where fariqi >dateadd(day,-365,getdate())

        order by BillNo

select BillNo,ProductNo,ProductName,Specification,Unit,Memo

    From PD01_Product

    where State<100 and BillNo in (select BillNo from @Indextable where aid>@PageLowerBound and aid<=@PageUpperBound)

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